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Domenico Rafti
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Explore Italian Parliament votes, MP profiles, and insights in one app

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Parlamento is a dynamic and informative application dedicated to providing comprehensive insights into the workings of the Italian Parliament. Users have the advantage of effortlessly accessing data that might otherwise be challenging to find, with the intent of enhancing transparency and understanding of the political process.

The platform serves as a valuable tool for anyone looking to keep track of the latest changes in parliamentary groups, as well as the tenures of deputies and senators within the Italian Parliament. It offers an in-depth look into individual Members of Parliament, including details such as the constituency from which they were elected, their roles and responsibilities during their terms, and their attendance and voting records.

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One of the standout features of this application is the ability to scrutinize voting behaviors — it reveals how each parliamentarian voted on critical legislative decisions, provides context with reference to the legislative act, and even discloses the final vote tally including votes for, against, abstentions, and majorities.

Furthermore, it is designed to be user-friendly and navigable, ensuring that information is easily searchable. This ease of access facilitates a deeper engagement with the democratic process and encourages active citizen participation in monitoring the performance of elected officials.

The app prides itself on being a non-partisan tool, focused solely on data distribution and does not serve any political agenda. It is readily available at no cost and invites feedback to continually enhance its offerings. Should users encounter any issues or wish to suggest improvements, there is an avenue for communication.

Committed to the principles of open source development, the game is released under the GNU General Public License, allowing for community contributions in terms of bug fixes and the suggestion of new features. This approach empowers users to actively participate in the evolution of the tool.

Parlamento presents itself not just as an application but as a platform for accountable and informed political engagement, catering to citizens who demand clarity and detail regarding their representatives in the Italian Parliament.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Domenico Rafti.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.0.3, 4.0.4 or higher required

Information about Parlamento 3.4

Package Name parlamento_italiano.android
License Free
Op. System Android
Category News/Magazines
Language English
Author Domenico Rafti
Downloads 1,395
Date Mar 5, 2023
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk Android + 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2 May 14, 2022
apk 1.7 Jun 19, 2016

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